Friday, 29 May 2015

w1-gpio w1-therm In openelec

Well, I'm really pleased to announce, something I wanted has been implemented into the Openelec build tree and will be in future releases.
A while ago I wanted to do 1-wire temperature sensing using my raspberry pi's around the house running openelec. Seemed a good use of hardware that was low power, small and generally always on.
In my quest for this I found what was needed (addition of modules to the kernel build) and set about testing and using it myself. And it works great, for a while now I've been logging temperature around my house and slowly building my own thermostatic control system for the house heating. Truly intelligent heating control!
And now the kind developers at Openelec have seen my feature request :
And given it the green light, it's now implemented in change:
Sad as it is, this gives me a huge self confidence boost and a big pride boost! (told you it was sad!) I love open source, and dedicate a lot of my spare time to developing projects using open source, and returning things to the community (breakinguard, kodi scripts and plugins, and my contributions in the past to Tvheadend) and when something I wanted implemented has been done and will be available to all future users gives me something to smile about!
To all those that contacted me via my blog about using this, compiling themselves, etc, here you go, problem solved!

-- Update 10/08/2015

Thanks to Jo ( he confirms the action to get the module loaded on the PI as follows:

mount -o remount,rw /flash (To get the flash filesystem into rw mode)
echo "dtoverlay=w1-gpio" >> /flash/config.txt

Then reboot and you should be good to go!


  1. Hi Andy,

    Nice that I didn't need to recompile. Now OpenElec (version 5.95.3) now works nicley on my RPi B+ and RPi2. Though, the activation of the modules now work in a slightly different way. I thought to leave a note here, because all the tracks around this issue lead to your blog ;)

    The line
    has to be added to /flash/config.txt
    /flash is read-only and has to be remounted first:
    mount -o remount,rw /flash


    1. That's great, thanks Jo, I've updated the post to contain that info for future web wanderers heading this way.


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